Pray whenever a drug addict is within 500 yards of Lorraines house the drug addict will feel the worse torment and unbearable discomfort they ever felt when they are within 500 yards of Lorraines house.
Filiberto - Oct 22 2014
Please Pray GOD will get rid of all bed bugs and ticks in my house and they never return. Been fighting them for a week and cant get rid of them without GOD.Please Pray I don't have to do anything myself anymore because it's been real stressful trying to get rid of them.Please Thank GOD for answering this Prayer also in JESUS Name. Thank You
Phil - Oct 18 2014
Please pray for my college senior class. Many are in danger of dropping out, including myself. Some have financial issues, others have academic issues - I have both. Please pray especially for some students in one specific class with a lecturer telling them that nobody can pass his final exam - he seems to take pleasure in failing students, which makes no sense. Please pray for debts to be paid up, late assignments to be completed and handed in and passed, and final exams to be passed, too, to God's honour and glory. Thank you so much.
Ana - - May 03 2013
Please remember all those in Haiti who have been affected by the recent Earthquake, especially the young children who have lost both there parents, possibly everyone they ever knew! Let's do whatever we can, be in pray, raise funds, give more than we have, etc.
Daren Bullock - Jan 29 2010
I'd like to request prayers for the leaders of our world, those who are making decisions which will affect thousands / millions of people. May God speak through their advisors and help them make right deicisions at the right time.
Sujoya Paul Bullock - Jan 29 2010